Russian version

Aircraft Landing Control in the Presence of Windshear

N.D. Botkin, V.M. Kein, V.S. Patsko, V.L. Turova

Traditional laws of aircraft control in the landing operate unsatisfactory when rapid wind changes occur. For this reason, new ways of aircraft landing control are investigated. This paper deals with the minimax approach based on the differential game theory methods.

Electronic version of the article

Several misprints have been corrected in the paper.
ALCPW1989eng2.pdf (2113 KB).


Botkin N.D., Kein V.M., Patsko V.S., Turova V.L. Aircraft Landing Control in the Presence of Windshear // Problems of Control and Information Theory, Vol. 18 (4), 1989. P. 223–235.








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