S.A. Ganebny, S.S. Kumkov, V.S. Patsko

Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics,
the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Ekaterinburg, Russia

ABSTRACT. In the paper, methods of the differential game theory are applied to problems with an unkown a priori level of a dynamic disturbance. Problems with fixed terminal time and some prescribed geometric constraint for the useful control are considered. The objective of the useful control is to guide the system to some given terminal set at the terminal instant. A feedback control method called adaptive is suggested which provides leading the system to the terminal set if the disturbance is not greater than some critical level. With that, a "low-level" disturbance is parried by means of a "low-level" useful control. In a linearized formulation, a problem of interception of one weak-maneuvering object by another (of a missile by an anti-missile) is considered.

Electronic version of the article

AiM_2008_G_K_P.pdf (1637 KB)


Ganebny S.A., Kumkov S.S., Patsko V.S. Feedback control in problems with unknown level of dynamic disturbance // Proc. 14th Intern. Workshop on Dynamics and Control: Advances in Mechanics: Dynamics and Control / Eds. F.L. Chernousko et al. Moscow: Nauka, 2008. P. 125–132.










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